Saturday, July 3, 2010


Well, it's taken me longer than I imagined to get settled in here, and get back on track. Work and life tends to get in the way at times, and it's easy to lose sight of the things that ground and center you - the things that make you truly happy.

We've been through so many changes over the past few months! All of them are welcome, and each and every one of them have made our lives better, but it doesn't always seem that way at the time that you are going through the transitional period. I find I've left some things behind, or pushed them onto the back burner, and it's time to bring them back to the front.

I am a simple person. I do not need alot to make me happy. My family is the most important thing in the world to me, followed by my cat, and my hobbies. When life gets hectic, the hobbies always seem to get pushed aside, and they are such a huge part of who I am that it really affects me in a negative way.

So, I've decided to transform this blog to include all of my passions in life.

Cooking is right up there with tarot for me, and there isn't much that makes me any happier than spending time in the kitchen, preparing a meal for those that I love. I thought it would be nice to share a recipe here now and then.

We are also preparing to resume fish keeping, something we both have missed terribly. We are searching for decent stock at this point, and plan to start back breeding and selling African cichlids. This area is sorely lacking in aquatic pets, and it's something we both truly enjoy doing.

And, of course, there will always be my tarot cards...I recently acquired two new decks - Shadowscapes by Stephanie Pui Mun Law, and Heart of Faerie Oracle by Brian and Wendy Froud. Both are amazing, but I've barely found time to work with them.

So, right now, it's about focus and passion, grounding and centering, and getting back to basics!

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