Thursday, January 31, 2013


We already had a cat.  We didn't want another cat. The one we had possessed enough nasty attitude to make up for 30 cats.

I left work one day and went to pull out on a busy highway and saw this little girl - a tiny feral kitten then - on the median in the center of the highway in heavy traffic.  She was trying to dart across the road, cars were honking and stopping, while she kept returning to the median and hunkering down in the rain.

I jumped out of my car and ran out into the highway, stopping traffic, thinking I would take her to the local animal shelter, which I believed to be 'no kill'.  They asked me if I would like a call at the end of her 7 days before they euthanized her, as they were overrun by homeless cats.  So, back in the car with me she went, thinking I would just find her a good home. 

She settled right in, and started bossing my 3 indoor dogs around like no one had ever gotten away with.  My other cranky cat even tolerates her.  I continued trying to find a good home for her, but before I could, my little grandson met her, and they became the best of friends. He walks through the door looking for her.  As soon as he sees her he says "Hewwow, Wiwwow" and goes straight to her.

She is a nightmare except where he is concerned.  Her feral behavior totally shuts off when he walks through the door.  I keep trying to get my daughter to take her home so Cooper can play with her all of the time, but I don't think that is going to happen.  Mimi has another cat!

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