Monday, November 30, 2009

Today's Daily Draw

This is the 10 of Coins from the Legacy of the Divine Tarot, by Ciro Marchetti.
This is one of the most amazing decks I have ever seen, and I will be using it this week for my daily draws. I highly recommend this deck for any tarot enthusiast - beginner and experienced alike. It's a wonderful deck for reading intuitively.
This is a wonderful card for a daily draw. The 10 of Coins represents family ties and support, and comfort on a material plane. It may even indicate an inheritance or financial assistance in some way. This card can also indicate government work, and I am very hopeful that this is indicative of the immigration proceedings for us.
I have an amazing support system in my family, small as it is. If it weren't for them, I don't know how I would have gotten through these last few years dealing with immigration and everything else. My children are my life, and the entire reason we have been struggling to return to the US to live.
We have a very small family, but we are very close. I have two fantastic adult children, and both of them are my best friends. I sometimes believe that both of them are stronger than I could ever be. I have a son in law whom I love dearly, and an elderly grandmother who is a constant source of entertainment.
One of the most exciting things about going home will be merging my family together once and for all, and allowing my children to get to know my husband better. It's something I've only fantasized about for years.
It is something to truly look forward to!

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