We received Pete's US Immigrant Visa on Wednesday, just as the cards predicted!
This 3 card daily draw for Thursday was done with the Sacred Rose tarot deck. I'm really falling in love with this deck, and that's quite a surprise!
The Knight of Cups represents important aspects of the day ahead. Holidays are always emotional times. This will be my last one to spend away from my family, and it will be a bit sad, because had things gone differently as we had anticipated earlier, we would be home for the holidays. But, instead, as the Knight of Cups predicts, we will be spending the entire day with some friends, and celebrating our last Christmas in Canada!
Judgement represents personal issues that will need my attention today. This card is telling me that it's time for a new outlook, time for a new beginning! A cycle in our life together is coming to an end - changes and improvements loom ahead. We are both preparing for an awakening of sorts.
The 10 of Pentacles represents feelings, desires and reactions that may arise today. It will be an emotional day, of course. There is no escaping that! This card tells of major life changes and transitions - matters involving money / finances. Things are going to work out for us.
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