Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Lemniscate Spread

This spread was done for a dear friend of mine who was contemplating a career change.
I used the Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy, because it fit her personality perfectly, and I used a spread called the Lemniscate Spread - it is an 8 card spread examining two choices. It is shaped like the lemniscate, or symbol of infinity.
The two choices were defined as staying with her current job, or taking an offer of a different job.
Cards 1 through 4 reflect the situation if she stays with her current job.
1) Represents staying with her current job from an emotional perspective.
It was the 2 of Pentacles.
Her current job is somewhat of a juggling act, all the way around. She's pulled in too many directions at once, and it is causing stress for her. The financial aspect of it adds more stress to her life, and she really wonders if it is time for a change. She is torn.
2) Represents staying with her current job from a spiritual perspective.
It was the Two of Cups.
This card is all about relationships, and I feel that she has a bond with someone (maybe even a spiritual connection) that she fears losing if she changes jobs at this point in time. This relationship is very important to her, and she does not want to affect it in a negative manner.
3) Represents staying with her current job from a practical perspective.
It was the 10 of Pentacles.
She actually feels her current job is more stable, and that staying with it is the logical choice, as it represents financial stability and security. She will also be able to advance and better herself in this position, but this is unknown to her at this point. This is something that will happen in the future.
4) Represents staying with her current job - the synthesis / outcome.
It was the Page of Wands.
By staying where she is, she will receive the opportunity for new growth. New opportunities will arise, very possibly a career change or advancement. Whatever happens, it will be good for her, and will be something that fires her passion and makes her happy.
5) Represents taking the new job from an emotional perspective.
It was the Magician.
She feels she has the ability to finally achieve her goal with the new job prospect. It would allow her to use her cumulative training in a broader sense. But her self confidence is standing in her way - she isn't sure she can handle the change and she isn't sure she will be happy with the new job. She shouldn't doubt herself or her potential - she's very capable of doing this, but she does.
6) Represents taking the new job from a spiritual perspective.
It was the Eight of Swords.
She is afraid of feeling overwhelmed, restricted, trapped and limited by this new job offer, and she fears the effect this would have on her life on so many levels.
7) Represents taking the new job from a practical perspective.
It was the 5 of Cups.
Combined with the 8 of Swords, I believe this is very negative as far as the new job goes. She will be disappointed and regretful if she takes it. She can work her way through it, but she is happy where she is, so it's a hard choice to make.
8) Represents taking the new job - the synthesis / outcome.
It was the 3 of Cups.
This is a card of celebration. She would celebrate a new life style and good fortune and abundance, but at what cost to herself? Financially, this may be the best choice for long term success, but she may have to compromise and forfeit doing what she loves in order to achieve it. It may just be a means to an end for her, but at what cost?

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