I did this spread to get a closer look at the upcoming 3 months for us. This is the first time I've used this particular spread, and I really enjoyed it. I believe I will be using it alot!
The deck used was Tarot of the Sweet Twilight, by Cristina Benintende.
The Knight of Wands represents the past. This card is a pretty apt summation of my life over the past few years...Change and relocation have been a major part of my life, with all the adjustments that go along with it.
The Five of Wands and The Magician represent the present, or now. We've been dealing with many struggles and challenges over the past couple of months. Neither of us are overly aggressive people, but we've had to step it up a bit and take control of the new situations that we've encountered.
The Two of Wands, Nine of Swords and Queen of Wands represent what we can expect the next 1-4 weeks, or the month of January. We are certainly enduring a restless and stressful 'waiting' period, without a doubt. We've been waiting for the Visa for so long, and now that we finally have it, it feels anticlimactic for both of us, because we cannot move as quickly as we'd like. Worry and anxiety are major parts of our lives. Our passion for each other and the things we want together will help us get through it.
The Knight of Swords and Three of Swords represent what we can expect the month of February. We will experience sudden changes and new experiences. There will be a need to allow our logical and rational thoughts to overrule our hearts at times. Stress, sadness, and emotional pain will be a part of this transitional period.
The Four of Swords represents what we can expect the month of March. Rest, relaxation and recuperation will be key this month.
I believe this reading is indicating we will be going home later this month, settling in our new home during the month of February and trying to adjust, and then, in the month of March, finally taking a deep breath and slowing down.
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