This spread was done for someone I consider to be a very dear friend. She's going through a rough patch right now, and needed a reading.
I chose the standard 21 card Gypsy spread, and the Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy. This deck is perfect for my friend, and I love working with it.
The question posed was what can she do to get through this situation and how will it evolve.
Out of 21 cards, 6 were Majors, but the remainder of the cards were very balanced as far as the suits go, indicating that her current situation may require more balance, and that the changes she will undergo will be very significant.
Column A represents her emotional state of mind.
Queen of Swords
Three of Wands
Nine of Pentacles
There is nothing like being slapped over the head with her strong independent will with the first card! Her rational self is squabbling with her emotional self right now. Logically, she cannot fathom why she cannot control what is going on and how she is feeling. She feels as if she is somehow lacking because she cannot. She is feeling isolated and alone, and she's tired of being so independent. She'd love to lean on someone else for awhile. There is something in the back of her mind that is nagging at her - it is something she needs to do to feel emotionally fulfilled. I believe it has to do with some sort of home business she is considering which would involve shipping. I'm also getting a strong sense that she is dealing with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and that this may be part of what is going on with her emotionally. She misses having the kids home and working in the yard/garden. It's worse this year than usual, and she's feeling cut off from the world and isolated.
Column B represents her home life.
Nine of Wands
Three of Cups
Five of Cups
She is keeping everything on track, in spite of wanting to crawl in the bed and pull the covers up over her head. She is on guard and on edge - her strong will won't let her take any other position. It is her focus and she believes it's helping her to hold it all together. No one in her household knows how she really feels right now. She has convinced herself that it is important that they do not know, and she only allows herself to succumb to her feelings when no one else is around. But she is often alone, and she may be allowing herself to wallow in it too much. The second someone else walks in the door, she has a smile on her face and is ready to be whoever it is they need her to be.
Column C represents her present desires, hopes and questions.
Seven of Pentacles
Three of Swords
She is really at a crossroad right now. Financial matters are an issue, and she may be somewhat worried about her health. She just wants everything to feel normal again, and it will, as long as she doesn't give into the hopelessness. She is ready for a change - hoping for a change, and something is telling her that this has to be a major change. She is hopeful that it will happen soon. She wants the sadness to lift, and she's tired of feeling so isolated. She doesn't like being separated from her loved ones so much, and this is something she really wants to change.
Column D represents her expectations of the situation.
King of Swords
Ace of Pentacles
King of Wands
She wants to find a way to break out of the rut she feels she is in. She wants more control of the situation, and that is what she is working towards. She wants to see things improve financially. (Now would be a very good time for her to make a move in this direction.) There is a strong male influence in the column of cards with the two Kings. I'm getting a strong sense that in some manner, she believes she doesn't have enough support from her husband to make the changes that need to be made, or that she isn't actually communicating what is going on with her to him.
Column E represents what she does not expect - what will surprise her.
Ten of Wands
Four of Swords
She will be the one to seize control of this and pull herself out of the funk she is in. She has no idea how very strong she is. She also has the energy and ability to do what needs to be done, but she doesn't know that yet. She doubts herself. I believe she will surprise herself, all the way around! She will need to take it slow and easy, and take care not to bite off more than she can chew at one time. She also needs to realize that she didn't reach this point overnight - it will take time and patience to resolve it.
Column F represents her immediate future - now to 3 months.
The Devil
Queen of Cups
She will confront her limitations and begin to deal with them - this will be easier once she acknowledges that the limitations are self imposed. She should make a list of all the things in her life that she is doing because she believes she has no choice. She should ask herself if that is really the truth, because circumstances change, and you always have a choice. It is time for her to analyze her life and change what needs to be changed. She will find herself regaining control over things once again if she does this. She will become the "Queen of Cups" once again. She lost that part of herself along the way. She will regain control over her emotions and she will be pleasantly surprised at where her intuition and psychic abilities will take her. This will restore balance to her life, and that is really the root of all her current problems.
Column G represents the outcome and long term prospect - 3 - 6 months ahead.
Ace of Cups
The Hierophant
She is going to experience and awakening that will literally blow her away. It is going to alter her life's course, truly. Emotionally, she will feel completely renewed, and this will reflect in all her relationships. It's a new beginning for her, and I can think of no one who deserves it more. She will be blessed with love and happiness. Teaching or learning in some capacity will be an important catalyst in all of this!
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